Try Before Buying
We are very much satisfy with the quality and acceptability of our products.But everyone’s perception does not go the same way. so we do suggest our customer to see the demos and free version of our plugins.
If you have any confusion about our product then feel free to ask questions through our support email - Our highly experianced and expert support engineers are always there for you to answer all of your questions regarding our products.
We have got some rules and regulations about refund policy that you should follow:
After purchase if you do not feel comfort at all with the products, then apply for refund within 14 days. We are always ready for you to get the refund back as early as possible.
We will process the refund back to you as soon as we can. Because we are bound to do this. In several cases, we might ask you for resolving the issue.
Refund will be granted within 14 days of purchase. After 14 days no refund will be processed.
No refund will be processed for discount products.
we may refuse to refund clients/customer specially who are misbehave or misuse our services or products.